torek, 20. november 2012

Sveta noč note - Silent Night sheet music

Izhajala sem iz zlatega okvirja za katerega sem dobila navdih pri moxiefabworld, objavljena pa je tudi na Kreativnih iskricah. Misli so odšle po svoje in roke so delale svoje. Ustvarjanje, čisti užitek.
Za spodnji del voščilnice sem izbrala zelo priljubljena božično pesem Sveta noč.  Njeno besedilo je prevedeno v več kot 300 jezikov, v svetovnem merilu pa velja za najbolj izvajano pesem vseh časov. Avtor izvirnega nemškega besedila Stille Nacht (dobesedbno Tiha noč) je duhovnik Joseph Mohr, avtor glasbe pa učitelj Franz Xaver Gruber.
Pesem so prvič zapeli leta 1816, v vasi Mariapfarr. Prvi, ki je poslovenil to znano pesem, je bil Jakob Aljaž; prvič so jo zapeli v Tržiču leta 1871. (vir: Wikipedia)

I found the inspiration in moxiefabworld challenge frames. I also published It on Kreativne iskrice
Creativity, peace and crafting. Pure pleasure!!! 
I used very popular carol "Silent Night!" fol lower part of the card. The extend, to which the Christmas carol "Silent Night! Holy Night" has been explored scientifically and the numerous museums and memorial sites connected with this carol are unique in music history.Scientists believe, that the lyrics of the song (6 verses) had already been written by Joseph Mohr in 1816 as a poem. Joseph Mohr lived in Mariapfarr then. The language has been characterized as "highly artistic" rather then "folkloristic" and the music by Franz Xaver Gruber follows roots of sizilian music (Pastorals) rather then the alpine folklore. Today we know about eight handwritten originals from thecreators of this carol, eventhough not all of them still exist. The very first original of December 24th 1818 in D-major (6/8) for two solo voices, a choir and guitar has not been found yet. The existing autographs are kept in the "Stille Nacht Archiv" in Hallein and in Salzburg's Museum Carolinum Augusteum. (from: www page)

Moxie Fab World

7 komentarjev:

  1. lea, tvoj venček je krasen in vse skupaj si zelo lepo zaključila!

  2. hvala za vzpodbudne besede, vsi komentarji zelo zaželeni. Vabljena da si pogledaš še ostale novonastale voščilnice.

  3. very cute, I liked this photo too!

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  5. Zanimiv venček...lepo si ga umestila na to krasno voščilnico. :)

  6. Hey Lea! Thanks for linking this up to this week's Tuesday Trigger in the Moxie Fab World! I'm so glad you joined in on all the fun! :)
