sreda, 21. november 2012

Želim si - I wish

Želje so ena čudna reč, nikoli jih ne zmanjka, jih vedno je preveč. Prvotna ideja je bila, da so želje različne, vsak si želi nekaj po svoje. Nekatere želje pa so univerzalne. Ker pa ne vem, kaj si bo zaželel tisti, ki bo voščilnico dobil, ima na izbilo celo mavrično paleto želja. 

Wishes, wishes, wishes... Endles, no matter what we do there is always new one. Everyone has different wishes, but some of them are universal. Because I don't know what kind of things the buyer wants and what he or she wants to expres, I offer whole rainbow of wishes. So let he or she decide what is best hor him or her. 
In the middle of the tree are words: I wish
On the bottom there are words: love, power, friendship, money, peace, faith, closeness, fun and hope.

Prijavila sem se na izziv paper take weeklycreative card crew in cute card thursday . I enter the Challenge paper take weeklycreative card crew and cute card thursday .

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