ponedeljek, 22. oktober 2012

Božična - Christmas Card

Tukaj je! Prva letošnja božična kartica. Here it is! The first Christmas card this year. 

Moj navdih: Alphabet Stickers Challenge in the Moxie Fab World.
Že kar pomnim so mi bile všeč igre s črkami, številkami, križanke...
Kartica v obliki malo bolj kompleksne sestavljanka s samolepilnimi črkami, ki se večkrat pritrdijo, za igro in zabavo. V osnovi je poslana kot lepa misel, z dodatnimi navodili pa dobimo prekrasno voščilo - sestavljanko.

My inspiration was : Alphabet Stickers Challenge in the Moxie Fab WorldSince I remember I like to play with letters, numbers, croswords... 
A little bit more complex puzzle card with self-adhesive letters, which can be taped several times, tor play and for fun. Basically, it can be sent as a nice thought, but with additional instructions can transform into a beautiful Christmas greeting card.

In the end I would like to say that English is not my language and I apologize for all mistakes.

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