torek, 21. januar 2014

Stopinje v pesku - Footprints in Sand

Pred časom sem izdelala podobni voščilnici v roza in modri barvi, z drugačno postavitvijo vendar z istim sporočilom. V težavah nisi sam! S časom se je pokazalo, da morajo biti voščilnce narejene še pred rojstvom otroka. Ne ve pa se, ali bo novorojenec ali novorojenčica. Zato sta nastali dve novi v rjavkastih odtenkih brez modre ali roza barve.
Zgodba "Stopinje v pesku" na voščilnici:
Mož je sanjal: Skupaj z Bogom sva hodila po morski obali. V pesku so bili sledovi stopinj, mojih in njegovih. Vsaka  od stopinj je predstavljala en dan mojega življenja. Ustavil sem se in se obrnil, da bi si ogledal stopinje, ki so se izgubljale v daljavi. Opazil sem, da večkrat ni vidna sled dveh oseb ampak samo ene. Ponovno sem pregledal vse svoje življenje. Ob tem sem doživel presenečenje, saj so se tisti deli poti, ki sem jih prehodil sam ujemali z najbolj žalostnimi dnevi mojega življenja. To so bili dnevi samoljubja in slabega razpoloženja, dnevi preizkušenj in dvomov, dnevi polni trpljenja. Z očitajočim glasom sem se obrnil k Bogu:
»Obljubil si mi, da boš ostal z menoj vse dni. Zakaj nisi držal obljube? Zakaj si me zapustil v najtežjih trenutkih mojega življenja, takrat ko sem najbolj potreboval tvojo bližino?
Bog se je nasmehnil: Otrok moj, mali moj, niti za trenutek te nisem nehal ljubiti. Edine sledi, ki jih vidiš v pesku so moje. Takrat sem te nosil v svojem naročju«.

Some time ago, I made similar cards in pink and blue, with different layout but the same are not alone i am here with you! Sometimes happened, that I have to made the card before the birth of the baby and the buyer didn't knew the gender of the newborn. So I decided to made new one in  creme tones.

Story "Footsteps in the sand" (probably you know it):
One night a man had a dream. He dreamed he was walking along the beach with the Lord. Across the dark sky flashed scenes from his life. For each scene, he noticed two sets of footprints in the sand, one belonging to him and the other to the Lord. When the last scene of his life flashed before him, he looked back at the footprints in the sand. He noticed that many times along the path of his life there was only one set of footprints. He also noticed that it happened at the very lowest and saddest times in his life. This bothered him and he questioned the Lord about it. "Lord, you said that once I decided to follow you, you'd walk with me all the way. But I have noticed that during the most troublesome times in my life there is only one set of footprints. I don't understand why when I needed you most you would leave me." The Lord replied "My precious, precious child, I love you and would never leave you. During your times of trial and suffering, when you see only one set of footprints in the sand,it was then that I carried you." 
Voščilnici prijavljam na Craft-alnicoRetrosketchesSimply less is moore, CAS in JUGS.
I applied cards on  Craft-alnicaRetrosketchesSimply less is mooreJUGS, and CAS.

sobota, 28. december 2013

Poročna za Irmo in Aladina - Marital Card for Irma and Aladin

Kljub kar nekaj voščilnicam, ki sem jih ustvarila me je izdelava te kar precej zamudila. Pa ne zaradi postavitve, ki je precej enostavna ampak predvsem zaradi vrtnic, ki kar niso hotele nastati take kot bi morale. Še noben detajl na voščilnici mi ni bilo potrebno narediti tolikokrat kot vrtnice. Vedno znova in znova, no v 10 poizkusu je uspelo. In v čem je bila težava? Izdelave vrtnic sem se lotila s 5mm trakom. Na koncu je ratalo približno tako kot sem hotela.

Ena in edina - The One and Only

Po lanskoletnem bogatem ustvarjalnem obdobju, je letošnje božično obdobje zaznamovala ena in edina serija prazničnih voščilnic. Osnovo sem naredila sama s šablonami Najlepši par, ki so, vsaj glede na izdelke ostalih ustvarjalk pravi boom. Bravo Tina!  Nato so svoj del z mezinčki naše družine ustvarili tudi vsi družinski člani. Za idejo z mezinčki se zahvaljujem vzgojiteljicama Tami in Tanji iz vrtca Andersen, ki sta naši Zarji za rojstni dan naredili čudovito voščilnico z mezinčki vseh otrok v skupini. Hvala!
Nastalo je 16 različnih voščilnic. 5 vzorčnih pripenjam spodaj. Zaradi časa v katerem so voščilnice nastale jih prijavljam tudi na izziv Craftal-nice.

After last year's rich creative period, this year's Christmas period marked by the one and only series of festive greeting cards. I made base with stencils Najlepši par which are, at least as I can see in the  cards of other artists, a real boom. Bravo Tina! Then with pinky fingers other members of my family created a part of them. I attached below 5 samples. I applied them to Craftalnica Challenge,  Just us Girls Challenge, becouse this is The One and Only card collection that I made in 2013, and Unscripted Sketches #237.

torek, 12. november 2013

Torbica - Bag

Na izziv Craft-alnice tokrat prijavljam torbico z gumbki, ki se jo lahko nosi na obeh streh in je nastala kot krstno darilo za malo Pavlino Sofijo. Prav tako bo objavljena na izzivu Ko me inspirira 19, ker jo krasi ptička iz filca in ročno izdelani filc ročaji.

Ročaji so polsteni iz nepredene volne, sfilcani na kovinski obroč in povezani z volneno vrvico. Ptičko iz filca in blago sem kupila v Prometej trgovini, trak je darilo prijateljice, gumbki so iz domače zakladnice gumbov.

This bag was made as a baptism gift for little girl Pavlina Sofija.

ponedeljek, 4. november 2013

Krstno vabilo - Baptism Invitation

Izdelala sem 4 različna krstna vabila z enakim motivom a različno postavitvijo. Zraven je zlat kaligrafski napis Sveti krst.

I made 4 different Baptism Invitations, with same motive in different positions. On the first side of the card is gold calligraphy words "Holly Baptism". 

I dedicate this card to Cath.
Hosted by
 She was like an Angel. Around all the time, with best wishes for us and our creativity. 
Thank you!!!!

torek, 11. junij 2013

Poročna - Wedding Card

Voščilnico prijavljam na 123 Craft-alnica. Motiv poročna, 2 papirja, 3 dodatki (ključ, trak s srčki in bordo trak).
Prijavila sem jo tudi na Moxie saj sem se tokrat odločila da ne bom, kot običajno, sledila barvam in vzorcem ampak zgodbi, ki me navdihne. In ker imam bujno domišljijo, sem zaprla oči in si predstavljal dva ki pijeta čaj, gledata kletko in si mislila, da jo lahko odkleneš le s pravim ključem. Ravno tako lahko tudi srce ljubljene osebe odkleneš le z pravo ljubeznijo. Za takšno odklepanje pa morata biti svevda prisotna dva, kot tudi dva krožnička na mizi.

I decided to apply my cart on Moxie. Maybe because it helped me with inspiration for wedding card for my coworker. You are probably wondering how it is possible that this colors and this patterns inspired me in such way. Well this time I decided to look beyond the patterns and colors. I imagined the story about two people sitting and drinking tea while they look at the cage at the table and think about the keys and how you can lock and unlock it only if you have the right key. Well and here comes the point of my card in calligraphy "Love is the key to the heart." Only with the true love you can unlock the heart of beloved person. And for that "unlocking thing" it has to be two of them, like two plates (It looks like plates for me) on the table.
Leave the comment if you like it :-).
Moxie image credit

nedelja, 5. maj 2013

Modro obhajilna - Blue

Po bolezni in dvomesečni ustvarjalni izpraznjenosti sem prejela naročilo. Tokrat barvno spremenjena, po naročilu. Njeno predhodnico sem objavila na barvni izziv.
Voščilnico zaradi stopinj, ki predstavljajo nekaj kar se premika in premičnega kazala prijavljam na Craft-alnico.
After short illness and a two-month creative emptiness I received the order. This time the color changed. It's  predecessor, was posted in the post color challenge.
I applied it on retrosketches and papersmoochessparks (story about life time and footsteps in the sand which are connected with the sea). 
Story "Footsteps in the sand" (probably you know it):
One night a man had a dream. He dreamed he was walking along the beach with the Lord. Across the dark sky flashed scenes from his life. For each scene, he noticed two sets of footprints in the sand, one belonging to him and the other to the Lord. When the last scene of his life flashed before him, he looked back at the footprints in the sand. He noticed that many times along the path of his life there was only one set of footprints. He also noticed that it happened at the very lowest and saddest times in his life. This bothered him and he questioned the Lord about it. "Lord, you said that once I decided to follow you, you'd walk with me all the way. But I have noticed that during the most troublesome times in my life there is only one set of footprints. I don't understand why when I needed you most you would leave me." The Lord replied "My precious, precious child, I love you and would never leave you. During your times of trial and suffering, when you see only one set of footprints in the sand,it was then that I carried you."